Video Conference and Tele-Therapy for Individuals

Couples, & Children

Located in Malibu, Serving California.

Psychotherapy for Individual Adults, Children, and Couples in California

Malibu, CA Therapist

I specialize in short and long term psychotherapy and psychoanalysis for individual adults, couples, children, adolescents, and parents. I am a trained psychoanalyst, a child specialist, with additional training in cognitive behavioral therapy and EMDR. I focus on the importance of finding balance, vision, creativity, and meaning in one's life. From disorder and chaos comes balance and order. My clients have found my approach to mental health effective in creating long-term positive change.

 Some specialties include:  Services provided:
 Depression Individual psychotherapy and psychoanalysis
Anxiety Family psychotherapy
Couples therapy Couples counseling
Family conflict Parenting classes 
 Childhood behavioral problems Clinical consultation
 Childhood disorders (ADD/ADHD, oppositional defiance, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, learning disabilities)
Grief and loss
Eating disorders
Sexual addiction
Issues related to sexuality
Psychosis, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder

Offices located in Serra Retreat Malibu, CA

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